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Nzosabisa kuti makono munthu ukafuna kupeza chinthu mosavuta kuchokera kwa adindo umayenera upereke Ndalama ya ‘fanta’. Izi zikapanda kuchitika zimakhala ngati tsiku si tsikunso. Dr. George Chaima, ati kubwera kwa ufulu okhala ndi zipani zambiri (demokalase) ,wakolezera mchitidwe wa katangale ndi ziphuphu.”Kuyambira mchaka cha 1964 kufikira mchaka cha 1992,Malawi adali dziko lokoma. Munthu umatha kusiya […]

Kwa nthawi yaitali Ndale za dziko la Malawi zakhala ziri ndi nkhope za anthu akuluakulu. Lerolino achinyamata adzuka kutenga nawo gawo mu Ndale. Mkulu ochokera ku Generation 40,yemwenso amayankhulapo pa Nkhani zosiyanasiyana a Maloto Chimkombelo, avomereza kuti chiwerengero cha achinyamata omwe akuonetsa chidwi chofuna kusankhidwa mma udindo osiyanasiyana chachuluka.”Achinyamata ambiri akuonetsa chidwi  chochita misonkhano yokopa […]

Pamene zipani za Ndale zosiyanasiyana ziri kalikiriki kuchititsa misonkhano yosankha adindo(convention) omwe adzaimirire pa chisankho cha mchaka cha mawa, mmodzi mwa akuluakulu oyankhulapo pa nkhani za achinyamata mdziko muno a Davis Damison ,amema achinyamata kuti adzatenge nawo gawo pa Masankho a mchaka cha 2025 kuti akwaniritse kufikira zinthu zomwe amazifuna pokhala ndi adindo akumtima kwawo. […]

Nzosabisa kuti kwa nthawi yaitali achinyamata amauzidwa kuti ndi atsogoleri a mawa ,koma izi siziri chomwechi popeza katswiri pa Ndale mdziko muno a George Phiri, wati achinyamata ndi atsogoleri a lero.”Achinyamata tisamawanamize kuti adzakhala atsogoleri a mawa ayi. Tiyeni tisinthe ka ganizidwe ndipo ndibwino kuti achinyamta-wa apatsidwe mpata otsogolera lero. Wachinyamata ndi wachinyamata lero”. Malingana […]

Peter Okoye, known as Mr. P from the iconic group P-Square, has addressed his ongoing feud with his twin brother Paul Okoye, also known as Rudeboy, via Facebook. He expressed frustration over Paul’s recent interviews, where Paul claimed to have written most of P-Square’s songs and belittled Peter’s solo work, including his collaboration with TI […]

The African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF) has expressed concern over the sluggish pace at which Africa is adopting agricultural transformation and modern technology. It has revealed that out of the continent’s 55 countries, only 12 have established comprehensive policy frameworks supported by laws, regulations, institutions, and mechanisms for public engagement. This revelation highlights a significant […]

The research by Mwapata Institute and  the National Youth Council of Malawi themed “Prospects and Barriers to Youth Engagement in Agriculture and Food Systems in Malawi” has massively  exposed a decline in youth engagement in agricultural activities across the country. The report highlights lack of resources like land and steady market and knowledge deficiency as […]

ACTVIA coalition of organizations under the banner of the Grand Coalition has voiced strong criticism of the upcoming demonstration organized by Malawi First, led by Bon Kalindo, set for August 8, 2024. The protest is aimed at opposing the Malawi Revenue Authority’s (MRA) recent decision to implement excise tax stamps on various products. The MRA’s […]

The Tobacco Commission is expressing satisfaction with the progress of the grower registration and licensing exercise, noting a significant increase in interest for the 2024/2025 farming season. According to TC spokesperson Telephorous Chigwenembe, attractive prices offered during the recently concluded selling season have motivated many to either start growing tobacco or increase their production. As […]

Zakudya, mavalidwe ,Nyimbo ndi Miyambo ndi zina mwa mbendera zomwe zimaulula za Chikhalidwe cha munthu. Makono dziko lapansi likuyenda ngati mudzi umodzi kaamba ka chitukuko chogwiritsa ntchito makina monga Lamya ndi ma Kompiyuta. Mfumu yaikulu Lukwa ya M’boma la Kasungu yadandaula  kuti a Malawi ataya Chinkhalidwe chawo potengeka ndi zochitika zomwe amawona Mmaiko ena.”Dziko la […]

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